The Building Representatives are the liaison between the residents, the Board of Directors and the Manager.

This page is for the purpose of keeping the 22 Building Reps and the unit residents up to date on the ideas and concerns of the Reps.

Owner Objects to Shutters

Hello, I have addressed this issue with Don a number of times with no conclusion. I'm dead against shutters on the front, (walkway side), of the building. The reasons are: those few that already have them, leave them down way before and after hurricane season, they look terrible, they compromise my security by identifying who is home or not, and I don't want to live in what looks like a warehouse, or storage facility, all boarded up. Picture a container ship going by, only every other space has a container on it, or drive by our buildings and look up. That's what I see. Thanks, Jim Schloeman #1901.

10/26/04 Building Rep Meeting

In a wide-ranging meeting, many topics were discussed by the Building Reps, much of which is also likely to come up at Thursday’s BOD meeting 10/28. The following is what the website got out of it and some of the things that were news to us.

1. New cleaning service is at work and is pressure cleaning buildings at the rate of three buildings a week to get rid of the crud and make blowing the catwalks an enterprise that works.

2. None of our buildings were sufficiently damaged by the hurricanes to make and insurance claim since each building has a $60,000 deductible before a claim can be made.

3. If you have dry wall damage you can request Manager Don Hester to check for mold. He will do this by cutting a hole in the drywall. If mold is discovered that section of the dry wall will be replaced. However, the owner is then responsible to paint the dry wall.

4. The entire exterior of all our buildings will be painted next year and all expansion joints will be re-corked. A structural engineer has examined the expansion joints, which some residents believe are responsible for water damage they sustained. However, the engineer had to use binoculars and found only one defective joint by this admittedly difficult method of checking.

5. The tennis courts can be used, but the gate has been bent and we are waiting upon a replacement. Mr. Hester said he is going to recommend that the BOD not replace the shade tent that was destroyed and use instead a table with an adjustable umbrella to provide shade. It would also be easy to remove if a storm is coming. The previous set-up could not be taken down.

6. The Reps kicked around a few ideas on how to cut down on the use of our swimming pools by unauthorized persons and owner’s who are renting to tenant’s for a period less than four months. Among them: The issuance of badges to owners, visitors and tenants. Changing the locks to a system of cards such as those used by motels etc. The cards would be changed periodically. Hiring a pool security guard for the weekends since that is when many of the problems arise. BOD President Pat Vitagliano asked that anyone with any ideas on the subject to write the BOD and let them know.

7. Our landscaping company, which lost two trucks in the storms, is still removing debris and will return to trimming the rest of the trees on the property after the more urgent problems are dealt with. Mr. Hester has filed a claim with FEMA to see if we can collect any of the $35,000 plus the hurricane cleanups are costing us.

8. The last storm caused damage to some elevators where problems are still occurring. Mr. Hester said in any future storms the elevators will be left on the fifth floor and shutdown to prevent a repeat of such problems.

9. The recycling bins in the trash rooms were filled to overflowing and residents still piled more on them instead of putting the stuff in the dumpster. The recycling material was not picked up because the driver was sick and the company had no one to replace him, Mr. Hester said.

Helen & Tom Collins



BOD President Pat Vitagliano and Manager Don Hester met with more than a dozen Building Reps to update them on Association planning for hurricanes. Detailed information has been posted at each building and is MUST reading.

Some Major Points:

1. The Marina at the Bluffs is in a MANDATORY evacuation zone, which means EVERYONE MUST LEAVE in the event of a Category 1 Hurricane - the weakest hurricane rating. The evacuation order will be made by the Palm Beach County Office of Emergency Management, so keep your radio on - preferably a BATTERY operated radio.

2. The nearest public shelter is William Dwyer High School at 13601 North Military Trail in Palm Beach Gardens which is located on the west side of Military Trail just south of Donald Ross Road. PETS ARE NOT PERMITTED IN ANY PUBLIC SHELTER, So Make Other Arrangements IN ADVANCE. THEY CANNOT BE LEFT BEHIND IN YOUR APARTMENT.

3. Handicapped individuals who need assistance to evacuate should call 911 or ask a neighbor for help. PLAN AHEAD.

4. Owners whose units are not occupied should remove all furniture, plants and any other loose objects from balconies and patios BEFORE they leave for the summer. If a hurricane is approaching these items will be removed by Marina staff and put inside the owner's apartment - a service for which the owner will be charged a minimum of $120.

5. Be aware that prior to leaving the property the manager will shut off water in the buildings and lock elevators on the upper floors to protect them from water damage. FPL will cut off all electric service.

6. ALL vehicles must be removed from the premises.

Building Reps Meeting May 25, 2004

Bob Schiff has agreed to chair the building reps meetings.

Some highlights of the meeting:

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