One Down One to Go

Building 13 was roofed last week and Building 12 is being worked on now.


Your number is coming up!

Building 501 is the first to have it address put on the side of the building.

Landscaping Chair Josie Penecale Poised for Action



Thanks to the efforts of Josie & Friends our landscaping is looking better every day.

Knowledge is Flower Power

From Landscaping Chair Josie Penecale concerning flower pots at Pool 601

For your information, the flowers pictured first are pink torenias with a center plant of dracaena.  The second picture is geraniums with the center again, dracaena.

Keep up the good work!!!


Pool Areas Sprout Pots of Flowers

The new Landscaping Committee is making its presence known all over the Association’s grounds as it cuts, plants and decorates. Following are a couple of pictures of Flower Pots at Pool 601. The other Pools have not been neglected with four pots of varying flowers adorning each.

Flowers Unknown to This Viewer



Geraniums,  I Think

Two Landscaping Meetings

Landscaping Chair Josie Penecale has announced the Landscaping Committee will meet Thursday, April 24, at 4:00 pm at Pool 1550 for a planning session.  This will be followed by a second meeting Thursday, May 1, at 3:00 pm at Pool 1550.  “This will be a grounds tour for the purpose of observing problem areas and marking of trees,” Penecale said of the second meeting. “Please let me know if you will be able to attend one or both of the meetings.”  624-5311. 

Florida Hibiscus...MORE...





Surrounded By




If you know the name of this beautiful flowering vine  please let us know so we can tell everyone.

Lunch Time

White Ibis (eudocimus albus)

         Hi Neighbor

               Great Egret (casmerodius albus)

A Saturday Afternoon

Oops! Golf cart not up to job of pulling four-wheeled chemical spreader out of pond behind building 601.
To the rescue. Darn it! Stuck in the mud.
Reinforcement. Two stuck. One gets away.
Desert Storm will do it. Nope, can’t possibly go back there.
Ahh! Desert Breeze gets the job done saving truck from the brink of the drink.
There’s a rainbow on my shoulder.


NOTE:  Manager Don Hester spent hours watching the drama unfold and took photos of the damage done to the lawn. He also checked with the Environmental people about the gasoline spill in the pond. They said the amount of gas in such a vehicle should not cause a problem.  Mr. Hester informed the Coast Guard of the spill since the pond is connected to the Intracoastal.


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